

暴力、性侵的丹麥籍喇嘛尼達爾Ole Nydahl(藏傳佛教-譚崔性交修行在歐洲發揚光大)

〔譯者註〕尼達爾Ole Nydahl,丹麥籍喇嘛,曾就讀於德國杜賓根大學、慕尼黑大學。偕同妻子漢娜Hannah到尼泊爾新婚旅行時,接觸噶瑪噶舉派教法並開始修行,在歐洲廣設金剛乘禪修中心(Diamond Way Buddhism),是藏傳佛教在歐洲廣傳的重要人物。尼達爾傳承了藏傳佛教的譚崔修行,身體力行,已有諸多歐洲受害女性出面指控他宗教性侵。

A fresh delivery from our mole inside the Diamond Way cult!
尼達爾喇嘛Ole Nydahl 的老伎倆!
A picture of Ole Nydahl up to his old tricks yet again!
Also, our mole has managed to get hold of contact details for the leaders of many of the cult's UK groups.

To the right is a picture of Ole Nydahl 'blessing' female students whilst kissing them and sticking his hand down their tops!

I went from a convicted drug smuggler and dealer to the leader of a cult who can have any woman he wants! Life is good!

【職業】宗教狂首領 Cult Leader
I went from a convicted drug smuggler and dealer to the leader of a cult who can have any woman he wants! Life is good!
Sexually abusing my followers, living off their money, flying round the world in luxury for free...

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