

二世卡盧心碎在法國:藏傳佛教是政治、買賣、濫用權力、濫用金錢的制度 (Broken hearted in France)

〔轉貼出處〕Down the Crooked Path


By Kalu • April 19, 2011 • 153 Comments

我在勃艮第大區Kagyu Ling,我在法國最古老的中心。

Kagyu Ling是西方第一個三年閉關中心的家。這是1976年前任卡盧送給西方人的禮物。如今,受過訓練的合格喇嘛在哪裡?老同學在哪裡?我只看到一堆觀光客。如果你看看今天的閉關中心──空蕩蕩的,被人遺棄而悲慘。真令人可恥。這撕碎了我的心。





我想要改革這個濫用權力、濫用金錢的制度,將它改變為尊重人、尊重修學者的制度。我想要護持佛法。我想要保持佛法的純淨。我想要護持Kagyu Ling。


我們每一個人都在等待改變。是時候了。但沒有你們,我一個人做不到。這是我的責任。無論如何,在這個艱難的時刻,我很高興有你們。如果可以,請在2011年4月23-25日這個週末來Kagyu Ling加入我們的行列。



@ http://downthecrookedpath-meditation-gurus.blogspot.com/2011/12/confessions-of-kalu-rinpoche_04.html

Broken hearted in France

By Kalu • April 19, 2011 • 153 Comments
News, Thoughts • Tagged: pictures

I am at Kagyu Ling, my oldest center in France.

Kagyu Ling was home of the first Three-year retreat center in the west. This was my predecessor’s gift to the west in 1976. Where are all the trained and qualified lamas? Where are all the old students? On the other hand I see a lot of tourists. If you look at the retreat centers today, they are empty, abandoned and pitiful. This is shameful. This breaks my heart.

As a matter of fact, many people have come to me and informed me about the misbehavior of some of the lamas over many years; moreover there is a deep unhappiness and disharmony among the residents. In the interest of protecting the center and the Dharma I requested the lamas there to step down. Shamelessly, in response, those lamas have decided with a lawyer to deny my authority as spiritual head of the lineage and this center.

I myself am not perfect, but nevertheless I profoundly respect the Dharma.

Many times lamas talk about devotion. Devotion, devotion, devotion, but when I need to make a change that counters their plans, there is no agreement, no devotion. I am tired of Dharma politics. I am tired of Dharma business.

Since all those years, sincere practitioners have come, many have left, many have been disillusioned, many are sad, it is time to reconnect and put things back on track.

I want to change the system for a system that doesn’t involve abuse of power or abuse of money and is respectful of people and students. I want to keep Dharma safe. I want to keep Dharma pure. I want to keep Kagyu Ling safe.

I need prayers and support from all of you to put it right. Please join us in prayer and action during this difficult time. Sorry to bother you with bad news. I know that you have professional and family obligations, but at this time I really need you.

We are all waiting for a change. The time is now, and I cannot do this without you. This is my responsibility, but nevertheless I would be very happy to have you close to me during this difficult time. If you are able, please join me at Kagyu Ling for the weekend of 23-25 April, 2011.

From my heart. My love to you all.


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