

譚崔受害現身說法-Severitas (2):喇嘛、上師、譚崔行者都性交修行犯罪(Lamas, Gurus and Tantric men do such crimes of sexual practice)











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@ http://tantrismuskritik.blogspot.com/2011/09/fresh-evidence-attack-of-lamas-shows.html?showComment=1316013343859#c1291252429602023417

Dear T.K.,

in the moment I'm not able to write my own blog because I have to take good care of myself. But I want to support your work and the comments of Mrs. Riepe.

I want to tell all the readers that not only Tibetan Buddhism is Tantrism. I think it's important informing the women all over the world not only Tibetan Buddhism knows about Tantric methods but also other Buddhist and Hindu sects. The Tantric man who abused me was a German and a so called "Shivaist". He meditated on Shiva. And I think, he got his "training" in India. But I also think that Tibetan Buddhism made perfect Trantism and its terrible results of maltreatments.

The chief characteristic of Tantrism is not alone the direct bodily sex abuse - I never had sex with this Tantric man - but the opening, no the BREAKING OPEN, of woman's Kundalini Energy. We have to know, that's an act of violence in the energy body of the women. From this it follows terrible bodily and mental problems. The women are not informed and they are not asked, if they want this opening. The Tantra master do it regardless of health and life of the women.

We have to know that Lamas, Gurus and other Tantric men do such crimes. And we have to know that this all has nothing to do with love, relationship or something else. About many years they have trained to live without any emotion. They are robots and - as Trimondis write in their book "The Shadow of the Dalai Lama" - they need VEHICLES which pull them on their way to enlightment. And these vehicles are women and their sexual and their Kundalini Energy.

Having sex is one form of opening Kudalini Energy. And for those people who now think, oh wonderful, an opened Kundalini, that's the way to enlightment for the women too, I only say, no, it is not the right way!! A broken open Kundalini in Tantrism means for the women changing their lifes completely. They have to fight with bodily and mental phenomenons and they have to work hard to stay with a clear brain and a clear mind in their lifes. They are not able to go to work and for a long time they are not able to live their life as usual.

Because of my experiences I say to the women of this world: Refrain from Tibetan Buddhism and refrain from all other forms of Tantra.

With best wishes for you and your work

Anonymous said...
September 14, 2011 11:15 PM

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